Accipiter striatus
Table of Contents
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia |
Phylum: Chordata |
Class: Aves |
Order: Accipitriformes |
Family: Accipitridae |
Genus: Accipiter |
Species: Accipiter striatus |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
The Sharp-Shinned Hawk is a small raptor, reaching 11 inches and length and just under 2 feet in wingspan. Their wings and back are mostly grey, with a rusty breast barred with white.
Habitat & Range
Sharp Shinned Hawks are widespread throughout the Americas, breeding throughout much of North America, and migrating south throuughout Central and South America.
Hawks occupy woodlands and shrubby areas, nesting in trees.
Sharp Shinned Hawks ambush their prey from the air, feeding on a variety of small songbirds, rodents, reptiles, and amphibians.
Life Cycle
Sharp-Shinned Hawks nest in coniferous and decidious trees in deep forest cover, constructing their platform nests from twigs and bark. They lay clutches of 3-8 eggs,incubating them for a little over a month. Young hawks fledge after 3-4 weeks.
Featured image by Derrick Bakken