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Calopteryx maculata

Common Name: Ebony Jewelwing
Calopteryx maculata
Calopteryx maculata

Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Family: Calopterygidae
Genus: Calopteryx
Species: Calopteryx

Conservation Status

Identifying Features

The ebony jewelwing damselfly is 1 3/4" long. Males are metallic green while females are brown and not-metallic. Both have black wings, and the female has a white spot near the wingtip.

They have slender abdomens and large eyes. When resting, their wings are held folded back.

Habitat & Range

Ebony jewelwings are found along wooded streams across the Eastern and Midwestern US and Southeastern Canada.


Both as naiads and adults, they prey on other insects.

Life Cycle

Ebony jewelwings lay their eggs in aquatic plants. The naiads, nymphs, live in the water before becoming adults.

Featured image by James Dake


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