Helianthus tuberosus
Table of Contents

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae |
Phylum: Tracheophyta |
Class: Magnoliopsida |
Order: Asterales |
Family: Asteraceae |
Genus: Helianthus |
Species: Helianthus tuberosus |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
Jerusalem artichoke plants are tall, growing up to 6-10 feet in height. They have bright yellow flowers and leaves that are thick, rough, and grow opposite towards the base. The stem of the plant is thick, hairy, and has a purple or reddish hue.
Habitat & Range
Jerusalem artichokes are typically found in open areas such as fields, meadows, and trail-sides. They are commonly found in the central and eastern parts of the US and Canada.
Jerusalem artichokes are known for their rapid growth and can grow up to 10 feet tall in a single growing season.
Similar to sunflowers, Jerusalem artichokes are phototropic and respond to the light by growing towards it. They orient their leaves and flowers toward the sun as it moves across the sky.
Life Cycle
Jerusalem artichoke seeds typically germinate in the fall or early spring when soil temperatures are more favorable. During the late summer or early fall (August-October), they produce flowers at the top of the tall stalk. They can reproduce by sprouting new shoots or through seed dispersal.
Featured image by James Dake.