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Hygrocybe conica

Common Name: Witch's Hat
Hygrocybe conica
Hygrocybe conica

Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Agaricales
Family: Hygrophoraceae
Genus: Hygrocybe
Species: Hygrocybe conica

Conservation Status

Identifying Features

Witch’s Hat mushroom is a red, orange, and yellow in color and between 1/2" and 2 1/2" wide. The stalk is 2-4" long and hollow. The cap is rounded with a narrow point, and will bruise black.

Habitat & Range

The mushroom can be found from spring to fall. They are common throughout North America underneith hardwoods or conifers. They are saprophytic, beaking down organic material.

Life Cycle

As they age and become more bruised, they are more black in color.

Featured image by Katie Bagnall-Newman

Witch’s Hat. Image copyright Katie Bagnall-Newman, used here with permission.
Witch’s Hat. Image copyright Katie Bagnall-Newman, used here with permission.
Witch’s Hat. Image copyright Katie Bagnall-Newman, used here with permission.
Witch’s Hat. Image copyright Katie Bagnall-Newman, used here with permission.
Witch’s Hat. Photo by James Dake
Witch’s Hat. Photo by James Dake


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