Lithobates catesbeianus
Table of Contents

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia |
Phylum: Chordata |
Class: Amphibia |
Order: Anura |
Family: Ranidae |
Genus: Lithobates |
Species: Lithobates catesbeianus |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
Bullfrogs are usually green-gray to yellow in color, with a pale off-white belly. They are the largest frog species in North America and grow up to 3-8 inches in length. They emit deep resonating calls that are similar to a bull bellowing.
Habitat & Range
Bullfrogs live in permanent freshwater ponds, lakes, and marshes. They are one of the most widely-ranging species in North America and are found in eastern parts of Canada, throughout the United States, and even in parts of Mexico.
Bullfrogs are nocturnal predators and will feed at night by ambushing their prey. Due to their size, they have large mouths and will eat anything that fits in it. They have powerful hind legs that can lunge towards prey and take them by surprise.
Male bullfrogs are territorial and show various forms of aggresive behavior to guard their land.
Life Cycle
Bullfrogs mate during the summer, with females depositing as many as tens of thousands of eggs into pools of water. After several days, tadpoles hatch from the eggs and spend almost 3 years in this stage before transforming into frogs. Baby bullfrogs do not reach adulthood until after 3-5 years old.
Featured image by James Dake