Malacosoma americanum
Table of Contents
Common Name: Eastern Tent Caterpillar

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia |
Phylum: Arthropoda |
Class: Insecta |
Order: Lepidoptera |
Family: Lasiocampidae |
Genus: Malacosoma |
Species: Malacosoma |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
Eastern tent caterpillar moths have a 2" wingspan. They are a brown-white color as an adult moth. When they are caterpillars they are hairy and black with white stripes.
Habitat & Range
These moths live near fruit trees in Eastern and central North America.
The Eastern tent caterpillar creates nests in forks of branches in the spring and eat the leaves of fruit trees. While fruit trees are prefered, they will also eat and nest in other broadleaf trees and shrubs.
Life Cycle
They create their nests in spring and summer. Once adults, they only live about 5 days.
Featured image by James Dake
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