Microtus pennsylvanicus
Table of Contents

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia |
Phylum: Chordata |
Class: Mammalia |
Order: Rodentia |
Family: Muridae |
Genus: Microtus |
Species: pennsylvanicus |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
Meadow voles are an average length between 3 1/2 to 5". They are a grayish brown in color with a silver belly. Their tails are short and biocolored.
Their hind tracks are 1/2" with 5 spread toes. Their front feet tracks have 4 toes. Burrow openings for these voles are 1 1/2" wide.
Habitat & Range
Meadow voles live in moist fields often near a body of water. They can be found in much of the Northern United States and throughout Canada.
Meadow voles feed off of root and leave vegitation. They are known to be active during the day. They travel in underground tunnels as well as above ground.
Life Cycle
They have a long breeding season starting from March through November, and can produce several litters a year. Meadow voles often live less than a year in the wild.
Featured image by Gilles Gonthier.