Pieris rapae
Table of Contents
Common Name: Cabbage White
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia |
Phylum: Arthropoda |
Class: Insecta |
Order: Lepidoptera |
Family: Pieridae |
Genus: Pieris |
Species: Pieris rapae |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
Cabbage white butterflies are small, with a 2" wingspan. They are white in color, and their forewings have a black tip.
Males have a black spot on each wing, and females have two black spots.
Habitat & Range
Cabbage white butterflies are live in fields and open areas throughout North America and the rest of the world. They were introduced to North America, and is native to Europe.
These butterflies are one of the first to emerge in spring. They feed on dandelions, clovers, asters, and mustards.
Life Cycle
The larval stage are known as cabbage worms, and molt four times before forming a chrysalis. They may stay in this form for a couple of weeks or if pupating later in the year, overwinter and emerge as a butterfly in the spring.
Featured image by Stephen Patrick
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