Arisaema triphyllum
Table of Contents
Common Name: Jack-in-the-pulpit

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae |
Phylum: Tracheophyta |
Class: Liliopsida |
Order: Alismatales |
Family: Araceae |
Genus: Arisaema |
Species: Arisaema triphyllum |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
The jack-in-the-pulpit plant has large leaves with three leaflets. Male plants will have a single leaf while females have two.
The flower is small, clustered at the base of the spadix, and wrapped in a cup-like spathe whith striped flap.
Habitat & Range
This plant lives in forests throughout the eastern half of the United States and southeastern Canada.
Life Cycle
The flower is in bloom from May to June and berries ripen to a deep red in late summer.
The plant is perennial.
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