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Cheiracanthium inclusum

Common Name: Yellow Sac Spider
Cheiracanthium inclusum
Cheiracanthium inclusum

Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Araneae
Family: Cheiracanthiidae
Genus: Cheiracanthium
Species: Cheiracanthium inclusum

Conservation Status

Identifying Features

The yellow sac spider is 3/8" long and pale brown to yellow n color. The tips of their legs and fangs are a darker shade than the rest of their body.

Their front legs appear longer than the rest and their spinnerets are noticable.

Habitat & Range

This spider lives in forests, gardens, and homes. They are found throughout South America through the lower 48 United States.


The yellow sac spider weaves small sacs with their silk to retreat into, but they do not capture prey with a web. They hunt insects and other spiders.

They are nocturnal.

They can bite humans, and are moderately venomous. Bites are painful and the site will itch and burn. Those bitten may have rashes or blisters and in some cases systemic reactions.

Life Cycle

Yellow sac spiders will mate once a year, although females will lay eggs between 2-5 times during the year. Eggs are laid in June and July within the spider’s retreat. Females guard their eggs for just over two weeks. When the young hatch they will use the retreat as shelter.

Featured image by James Dake


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