Icterus galbula
Table of Contents
Common Name: Baltimore Oriole
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia |
Phylum: Chordata |
Class: Aves |
Order: Passeriformes |
Family: Icteridae |
Genus: Icterus |
Species: Icterus galbula |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
Adult Baltimore orioles are 9" long with a 12" wingspan.
Adult males have a rich black back and head. Their breast and sholder is bright orange, and their wings are black with white.
Adult females and immature males are a duller variation of these colors.
Habitat & Range
Baltimore orioles breeding range reaches from southern Canada into the eastern half of the United States, as far south as parts of Georgia and Alabama. They are in this range from May through September.
They overwinter in Central America and northern South America.
They live in open forests.
Baltimore orioles create hanging nests from trees.
They eat insects, fruit, and nectar.
Their song is a whistling with 4-8 phrases.
Featured image by Ryan Somma.
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