Molothrus ater
Table of Contents
Common Name: Brown-headed Cowbird
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia |
Phylum: Chordata |
Class: Aves |
Order: Passeriformes |
Family: Icteridae |
Genus: Molothrus |
Species: Moothrus ater |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
Adults have a 9" long body with 13" wingspan. They have a short and thick beak.
Adult males have a glossy black body with brown head. Females are paler, with gray-brown bodies and lighter colored heads.
Habitat & Range
Brown-headed cowbirds year round range reaches along much of the north and south eastern United States, with their breeding range reaching into the southwestern United States up through to Canada.
Brownheaded cowbirds live in open forests.
Their calls consist of gurgles and whistles.
Life Cycle
Females will lay their eggs in the nest of other songbirds, leaving them for the other bird to feed and raise. They may lay up to 36 eggs in one season!
Featured image by James Dake.
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