Vespula maculata
Table of Contents
Common Name: Bald-faced Hornet

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia |
Phylum: Arthropoda |
Class: Insecta |
Order: Hymenoptera |
Family: Vespidae |
Genus: Vespula |
Species: Vespula maculata |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
The bald-faced hornet is 3/4" long and mainly black in color with a whitish yellow. They are faintly hairy and have a smokey colored wings.
Habitat & Range
These wasps life on forest edges across the United States.
The bald-faced hornet will sting if disturbed. They build hanging paaper nests in trees. They eat nectar and other insects.
Life Cycle
During the fall, females will mate and then overwinter. In the spring they will lay eggs. The hornets that hatch from this will be workers. The female will lay more eggs in the late summer, that will grow into males and future queens.
Featured image by Paul Stein.
Vespula maculifrons
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