Coronilla varia
Table of Contents
Common Name: Crownvetch

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae |
Phylum: Tracheophyta |
Class: Magnoliopsida |
Order: Fabales |
Family: Fabaceae |
Genus: Coronilla |
Species: Coronilla varia |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
The flowers of crownvetch are pink-purple in 1" clover-like rounded clusters.
The leaves are rounded, small, compound, and paired on creeping stems. The plants can grow to 18" in height.
Habitat & Range
Crownvetch grows along trail sides. It is native to Europe, and is invasive in North America.
Life Cycle
The flowers bloom from June to August.
Crownvetch is an herbaceous, vining perennial.
Featured image by James Dake.
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