Lotus corniculatus
Table of Contents

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae |
Phylum: Tracheophyta |
Class: Magnoliopsida |
Order: Fabales |
Family: Fabaceae |
Genus: Lotus |
Species: Lotus corniculatus |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
Bird’s-foot trefoil is a clover-like plant that has three compound leaflets attached to a short stem. The flowers are yellow and pea-like, in clusters of three to six. They contain seed pods that appear to look like “bird’s feet”.
Habitat & Range
Bird’s-foot trefoil can be found along trail-sides and in fields. Though native in Europe, it was introduced in North America and can be found in many parts throughout Canada and the US.
Bird’s-foot trail has a sprawling growth pattern that can form dense mats, killing off other low-growing vegetation. However, it is a popular source of vegetation among animals as it can prevent bloating and is ideal for pasture grazing.
Life Cycle
Bird’s-foot trefoil flowers in the summer from June-September. Afterwards, the flowers form seed pods that germinate during cool temperatures in the spring and fall.
Featured image by James Dake.