Succinea putris
Table of Contents
Common Names: European Ambersnail,

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Animalia |
Phylum: Mollusca |
Class: Gastropoda |
Order: Stylommatophora |
Family: Succineidae |
Genus: Succinea |
Species: Succinea putris |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
The European ambersnail’s shell is 3/8" long, oval shaped, and translucent brown in color.
Habitat & Range
They are found along creeks and marshes in some areas of the Finger Lakes and other locations in North America where they are non-native.
This snail is Native to Europe.
The European ambersnail is found in large numbers in late summer.
Featured image by James Dake
Arion subfuscus
Dusky Arion
Deroceras reticulatum
Gray Fieldslug
Discus patulus
Domed Disc