Trillium grandiflorum
Table of Contents

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae |
Phylum: Tracheophyta |
Class: Liliopsida |
Order: Liliales |
Family: Melanthiaceae |
Genus: Trillium |
Species: Trillium grandiflorum |
Conservation Status
Identifying Features
The large-flowered trillium contains a single flower that has three large, white petals around 4 inches long and wide. The petals are waxy, with wavy edges, and arranged in a circle around the center of the flower. It has three leaves that are large, broad, and diamond-shaped with a pointed tip.
Habitat & Range
Large-flowered trillium can be found growing in moist woodlands. It is commonly found in the eastern half of the US and in some parts of Canada.
After the flowers have been pollinated, the plant produces a red berry-like fruit. Animals, such as rodents and birds, help disperse the seeds by eating the fleshy layer of the fruit and depositing the seeds elsewhere.
Life Cycle
The large-flowered trillium typically blooms in April-June. Due to its slow growth rate, it can take several years to reach maturity. Once established, it grows in large colonoies that often cover large areas of the forest floor.
Featured image by James Dake.